Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Dreams Or Nightmares
I had 2 dreams this morning that have brought me back to this blog. First being a dream in which my sister has betrayed me and is staying with someone who used to be my friend. I can not understand the betrayal and ask why. I figure out its all because of a guy that I would disprove of. I try to tell her this girl will never be a true friend, and give examples of why. She then proceeds to tell me that my brother is so happy to hear my life is unhappy and smiles. How horrible. The second dream was a bit different. I answer my cell phone and an unfamiliar voice is at the other end. I noticed the call was from a California number. The lady asks me about a blog I had written. I ask which one. She proceeds to tell me that my blog is a big hit and many celebrities are reading it. I shrug and then she says oh the one where you talk about the Beau Rivage. I think oh that one with all the crazy people involved. So here I am updating my blog with the nudge of a dream and many adventures to tell. Stay tuned.
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